· Greenstar 27CDi and 30CDi Natural gas % 0/0 ± Greenstar 37CDi and 42CDi Natural gas % 0/0 % Check CO is less than ppm. Measure the inlet pressure; it should be a minimum of 18 mbar for natural gas and 37 mbar for LPG. · Worcester Greenstar 27CDi 30CDi 37CDi 42CDi Installation and Servicing Instructions Manual Worcester Greenstar 37 CDi Worcester Greenstar 37 CDi LPG Worcester G. Manual Worcester Greenstar 42CDi Classic Gas Boiler. Need a manual for your Worcester Greenstar 42CDi Classic Gas Boiler? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product.
instruction manual installation commissioning servicing 8 b () the appliance is for use with natural gas or l.p.g. (cat ii 2h3p type c13, c33, c53 c93) natural gas: greenstar fs 30cdi regular gc number greenstar fs 42cdi regular gc number liquid petroleum gas: greenstar fs 30cdi regular gc number Worcester Greenstar 27CDi 30CDi 37CDi 42CDi Installation and Servicing Instructions Manual Worcester Greenstar 37 CDi Worcester Greenstar 37 CDi LPG Worcester G. Manual Worcester Greenstar 42CDi Classic Gas Boiler. Need a manual for your Worcester Greenstar 42CDi Classic Gas Boiler? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product.
Greenstar CDi Combi Installation and Servicing Instructions. If your product was manufactured before , see below for appropriate versions of. PART OF THE BOSCH GROUP. PLEASE LEAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS, THE USER GUIDE AND THE COMPLETED. BENCHMARK LOG BOOK (AT THE BACK OF THIS MANUAL) OR A CERTIFICATE. only) and the user manual with the owner or at the gas meter after installation or servicing. Greenstar FS 30CDi FS 42CDi Installation, Commissioning.