manual, contact LOGSA’s tech pubs ETM Customer Service at , or email: LIW Access Now CAC-Only “NF” means no foreign release. Distribution code B means. · These are manuals, which are official U.S. Army publications concerning enemy equipment or forces. The letter E in the manual number indicates that a particular manual is an enemy manual. For example, Technical Manual TM E on the German Volkswagen appears just after Technical Manual TM on the Jeep. TM P. Pub/Form Date. 01/17/ Pub/Form Title. INTERACTIVE ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL MANUAL FOR OPERATOR AND FIELD LEVEL MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR HIGH MOBILITY MULTIPURPOSE WHEELED VEHICLE (HMMWV) INCLUDING FIELD AND SUSTAINMENT REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST TRUCK, UTILITY: .
tm pub/form date: 06/01/ pub/form title: operator`s manual for joint battle command platform (jbc-p) computer set, digital an/uykd(v)3 (nsn ) (eic k8v) (this item is included on em ) unit of issue(s). TM Pub/Form Date: 01/31/ Pub/Form Title: OPERATOR MANUAL FOR HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED: –MM, M (NSN –01––) (EIC 3ET) HOWITZER, MEDIUM, TOWED: –MM, MA2 (NSN –99––) (EIC 3EU) Unit Of Issue(s). TM Pub/Form Date. 09/15/ Pub/Form Title. OPERATOR MANUAL FOR FAMILY OF MEDIUM TACTICAL VEHICLES (FMTV) /2 TON CARGO WITH WINCH, MA1P2: NSN (EIC BH3).
2 days ago U.S. Army Technical Manuals, commonly known as 'Army manuals,' are part of a series of official U.S. military manual publications intended to be. --Conducting their operations by the laws and customs of war. Members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a government or an authority not. Items 1 - 10 of 14 Australian Government Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business -