· Many thanks for providing the manual to download. (something Walmart/Farberware doesn’t do) I see earlier comments of missing manuals regarding the Model WM-CSW. Sadly, the guy in China who’s job is . Farberware B Percolator Power Cord 2 Pin 24" coffee pot replacement part. out of 5 stars. $ $ Get it as soon as Thu, Oct 7. $ shipping. 7 QT. ELECTRIC WOK USE AND CARE INSTRUCTIONS MODEL FSW Farberware Food Processor FPFBS User Manual. Add to Favourites. 1 MODEL/MODELO FPFBS Cup Food Processor with 4-Cup Nested Workbowl Procesador de alimentos para 12 tazas con tazón de 4 tazas Customer Care Line: USA Accessories/Parts (USA) .
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