Make sure you can ping the computer account. · Install the agent from the DPM console In DPM Administrator Console, click Management Agents. Click Install on the tool ribbon to open the Protection Agent On the Select Agent Deployment Method page, click Install agents Next. On the Select Computers page, DPM displays a list of available. · Do a manual install of the agent on core server. Follow the DPM steps from TechNet with the following changes: a. Do use the most recent version of the RA from the DPM server DPM +qfe go to \Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\Agents\RA\xxxx.0\AMD or i DPM +qfe go to \Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\agents\RA\xxxx.0\AMD or i · To manually refresh the protection agents, in the Management task area, select the Agents tab, select the computer, and then in the Actions pane, select Refresh information. DPM agent install fails with Error An error occurred when the agent operation attempted to create the DPM Agent Coordinator service.
First step is to install the agent on the client, this process is a little different then for a server. You can use SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) to install the agents, or do a manual installation. When the Windows Firewall is running you will need the tool to make the correct exclusions. You do not have to attach the agents in the DPM console like with other manual installations, this will be done automaticity when you create the protection group. Connect to DPM share: \\dpm1\agent; Copy agent to local directory. Run Administrator CMD. Install agent: OR DPMAgentInstaller_amdexe d; Configure agent with DPM server and firewall: c:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin\ -dpmServerName; Attach agent from DPM server(optional). I've tried to install the agent from the protected PCs by sharing the Agent installation file, but it also failed. I have disable all the firewalls in machines and have admin DPM agents install smoothly without any errors in these PC. Please help. Hareen.
However, a manual install of the agent may succeed but the DPM server cannot communicate. If you installed Data Protection Manager (DPM) Service Pack 1 you must (if you have domain), or you can update them manually using the. A DPM Agent is a program that you need to deploy on each computer you Before you can install Data Protection Manager, you need to have.