高型及半高型磁帶機。它最多可容納四部 HP StorageWorks DAT 磁帶機。磁帶陣列是專為安 裝於 HP、IBM 與其他相容的 19 吋裝載型系統而設計。磁帶陣列必須適當地安裝與配置。若 需進一步的詳細資料,請參照磁帶陣列的說明文件。 氣流基本要求 HP Tape Array 的設計. · HP StorageWorks Tape Array Does anyone know where I can find the troublshooting manual for this tape array please? I have already search the site but no www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 4 mins. The HP StorageWorks 50 Modular Smart Array (MSA50) Enclosure is a 1U Serial Attach SCSI(SAS) disk drive storage enclosure supporting Small Form Factor(SFF) SAS or Serial ATA(SATA) drives. This enclosure delivers industry-leading data performance, availability, storage density, and upgradeability to meet customers' demanding and growing storage.
高型及半高型磁帶機。它最多可容納四部 HP StorageWorks DAT 磁帶機。磁帶陣列是專為安 裝於 HP、IBM 與其他相容的 19 吋裝載型系統而設計。磁帶陣列必須適當地安裝與配置。若 需進一步的詳細資料,請參照磁帶陣列的說明文件。 氣流基本要求 HP Tape Array 的設計. The Tape Array can be configured with four independent SCSI buses connected to four different servers or multiple drives can be daisy chained together through the same host bus adapter. The Tape Array supports DAT 24, DAT 40, DAT 72, DLT VS80, DLT 80, Ultrium , Ultrium , and Ultrium tape drives, plus a DVD-ROM. HP StorageWorks Tape Array Does anyone know where I can find the troublshooting manual for this tape array please? I have already search the site but no luck.
hpsa is a SCSI driver for HP Smart Array RAID controllers. be useful when hot plugging devices like tape drives, or entire storage boxes. This is the User's Guide for HP Surestore DAT internal, external and cable supplied with drive See Installation Guide Surestore Tape Array Tape Backup", and a free copy of HP's Storage Works Data Protector Express Evaluation Software NOTE: 24 GB DAT Array module for HP Tape Array