Highlight the printer you want to delete and click "Delete this Printer." 5. Within the same Printers and Faxes Window, Go to the File Menu - Choose Server Properties. 6. Go to the Drivers Tab - Select the printer and choose Remove. 7. Power on the printer using the power button. This forces the PC to re-recognize the device. To prepare for removing printer driver files: Look in Programs and Features and uninstall any program that correlates to the printer driver to be removed. Open Devices and Printers and if still present, remove the printer driver by right-clicking it and choosing "Remove Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins. · Select the “Drivers” tab and then you will now have a list of printer drivers currently installed on the machine. You can select “Remove” to completely uninstall and delete the driver package. Step 4. Reboot the machine and the driver is gone. You can now test new or different drivers if www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 1 min.
If you right click on a printer and delete it, this doesn’t remove the printer driver from the machine. Sometimes when working with print servers and testing multiple drivers there will be times when you need to completely remove a driver package from the machine so you can install a new or different one. The KB article that l0c0b0x mentioned includes a link to an API call that can be used on Windows XP and later (on Windows you www.doorway.ru www.doorway.ru files manually). SetupUninstallOEMInf() The SetupUninstallOEMInf function uninstalls a www.doorway.ru file and any www.doorway.ru file. a. On the File menu, click Export. b. In the File Name box, type the name that you want to use for this key, such as PrinterDriverRegKey, and then click Save. 4. Expand the Version-x subkey or subkeys, and then delete the printer driver entries. To do this, right-click each printer driver subkey, and then click Delete.
Windows XP · Click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes. · On the File menu, click Server Properties. · On the Drivers tab, click the printer driver that you. You may need to uninstall and then reinstall your printer software to solve certain For Windows XP, you must log on to a Computer Administrator account. I am having issues with a network printer driver. I can't remove it for the life of me. Basically it is a Zebra mobile printer on a truck in our parking lot.