This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were 34 students of MTs Negeri 1 Labuhanbatu Selatan, then the interview subject was raised based on Honey Mumford's learning style namely theory, pragmatics, reflector, and activist learning styles. Catalogue Search for "manual's" The manual of learning styles. Previous; Honey, Peter; Mumford, Alan, Book. English. 3rd ed. Published Maidenhead: P. Honey, c Available at Jordanstown. Jordanstown – 2 on shelf at: /HON Barcode Shelfmark Loan type Status. Reading Honey. P.. Mumford. A. (). Berkshire: Peter Honey. CHAPTER 1 The manual of learning styles. SETTING THE SCENE FOR LEARNING STYLES This Manual is for all trainers, educators and development advisers - in fact for anyone who has an interest in helping people learn. (For convenience we will use the term trainer throughout this Manual.)File Size: 1MB.
The Honey Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire. Honey and Mumford's learning styles were developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford in Their work is inspired by and built upon Kolb’s learning styles model (Leaver, ) however, they produced their own Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) because it was found that Kolb’s LSI had low validity with managers. Teacher training courses like the AET qualification teach the importance of a teacher trainer to know their own learning. Book Reviews: The Manual of Learning Styles Peter Honey and Alan Mumford: Published and distributed by Peter Honey, Ardingley House, 10 Linden Avenue, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6BH, , 83 pp., £25·20, ISBN 0 0 3 - Ken Knight, Intended for healthcare professionals. 0 Cart. Search. Browse Journals. Honey, P., Mumford, A. (). The manual of learning styles. Berkshire Peter Honey Publications. - References - Scientific Research Publishing.
Buy The Manual of Learning Styles 3rd Revised edition by Honey, Peter, Mumford, Alan (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. using the Kolb and Fry Learning Style Inventory (LSI) to get a handle on the problem. (Kolb and Fry, ). Honey and Mumford have found neither the. The Honey–Mumford's learning style questionnaire was administered to each student Honey P, Mumford A. The Manual of Learning Styles.