Thank you for purchasing This manual snowblower. covers the a Honda snowblower. operation and maintenance of the HS All information in this publication is based on the latest product tion available at the time of approval for printing. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make changes without notice and without incurring any obligation. Honda HS Snowblower. With a 56” x ” x ” frame, the Honda HS snowblower comes in five models: All of these are equipped with a GX engine that delivers 8 horsepower at 3, rpm. With a hour continuous operating time, the maximum snow throwing distance is feet, and the snow clearing rate is 50 tons per hour. Honda HS Owner's Manual. Honda snow blower owner's manual. Hide thumbs. Also See for HS Owner's manual - 50 pages. Dealer instructions - 18 pages. Owner's manual - .
Honda HS Owner's Manual. Honda snow blower owner's manual. Hide thumbs. Also See for HS Owner's manual - 50 pages. Dealer instructions - 18 pages. Owner's manual - 53 pages. 1. 2. Download owners manuals for Honda two-stage snow blowers. Go. Service Support. HS Click here for help finding the serial number. manual contains the information on how to do that; please read it carefully. This owner’s manual describes the operation and maintenance of Honda snowblower: HS/HS All information in this publication is based on the latest product information available at the time of printing. Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
The Honda Power Equipment HS, HS, HS, HS, HS Snow Blower Shop Manual covers service and repair procedures for the HS, HSK0, HS Aug 2, - Snow Blower Replacement Parts - Honda HS HS HS HS HS Snow blower Service Repair Shop Manual *** More info could be found at. With a hour continuous operating time, the maximum snow throwing distance is feet, and the snow clearing rate is 50 tons per hour. The Honda HS